Monday 25 February 2008

How to Make Sure You Generate Targeted Traffic

Would you rather receive 10,000 generic hits on your website each month, or 1,000 targeted hits on your site every month? This is not very difficult to answer if you know what targeted traffic is.

If you are a affiliate marketer, promoting products for individuals that experience excessive sweating, how many of the 10,000 generic visitors that arrive at your site will actually want to know more about these excessive sweating products you are offering to sell them?

Mass traffic can be like trying to find a needle in a haystack, unless you have a product that is appealing and needed by everyone. Generally, your product or services that you market is in a niche category. Your market is not going to be for everyone. The goal is to target the traffic.

When your website visitors have been looking for methods and products to help them stop over sweating, this is considered target traffic. Target traffic is the goal of anyone marketing online. The ability to generate targeted traffic to their place of business is a goal every Internet marketer shoots for in order to earn extra income

To target traffic is to address an individuals needs and desires. If you sell beaded crafts for making costume jewelry, your target traffic will be within the broader topic of crafters and hobbyists. Even more specific, women and teenage girls that enjoy making and wearing jewelry. This is considered a niche market very narrowly defined, a focus group to target for traffic to induce them to visit your site that sells everything about beaded jewelry.

It is not enough to have a blog or website offering your product. The next question is how will people be able to find you? A website by itself stands alone until action is taken to generate the type of traffic to your site that is needed to make it a success. You are not marketing a thing until you can begin to address this issue.

Buying your traffic is an easy way out if you have the budget. You can receive target traffic from joining a program like Google AdWords. This is a PPC, or pay-per-click method to generate target traffic. They are those small ads that Google places alongside their search engine posts when you use Google's search engine. These ads also show up on Google's free site space that people build their sites on. These AdWord ads are all over the Internet. Google has a very long reach out here.

By opening an AdWord account and choosing your keywords carefully, your ads will begin to appear alongside related search results that individuals have looked for in the search engine. This can generate a lot of target traffic for you when people click on your ads. When they do click on your ads, Google charges you per click.

Writing articles for submission to article content sites is another way to generate target traffic to you site. Write compelling articles about your service, or product. At the end of each article is room to include your "bio". In this area, leave a link to your site to let others know they can get more tips or information by visiting your site.

The only people who will read your articles and want more info will be those that are interested in your market. The target traffic that you can receive from article submission sites is phenomenal.

You do not have to have a degree in creative writing to write compelling pieces. Take the time to cultivate your readers. When your articles reflect on you as well informed about the topic, you become that expert. Others will begin going to your site to get more information and learn more about what you have to offer them.

Another way of generating targeted traffic is the link exchange way. This method is becoming even more popular than ever before. Reciprocal linking is swapping links with another site that is related in theme to your own market. On the Internet, one thing always leads to another. When people see referral links on other sites about a related theme they are interested in, they click those referral links.

Link exchanges do generate targeted traffic in a very natural way that is not intrusive. When you create a network of reciprocal links with other sites, the power to generate good traffic to your site can be tremendous.

These are a few methods to generate target traffic. Yes, there are many more ways to accomplish this. Keep in mind that it is the quality of traffic you want to attract. The ability to receive unfocused hits on your website is not necessarily going to generate sales for you unless you have that product that no one can live without.

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